Data & Reports
The Office of the Registrar provides reports and data regarding the student body to constituents across campus in support of instruction and program administration.
Student Data Reporting
The University of Denver uses multiple reporting tools to meet the various needs of users. Reports can be accessed via Banner, Cognos, DU Insights or ad hoc requests.
Student data is protected under FERPA. It must be used only for the intended purposes of the reports and may not be disseminated. We apply security access to all reports.
Available Reports
Existing published reports can be accessed through either Banner or Data Insights. Some of the most frequently used reports, along with the types of data they contain, are listed in the tables below.
General instructions for running Banner reports can be found here.
Report | What it is | What is in it | Instructions |
WSR3760 Departmental Student Report | Includes registered students for the selected term | Student demographic and contact info. GPA, Advisor | Can be run by Dept, Major, Minor, or Concentration Code |
| Provides a list of graduation candidates by term | College, Level, Term, Name, DU ID Number, Diploma Name, Status, Degree, ACAT, Major, Authorized | |
WSR2006 GPA by Major | Level, College, Department, Major, Class, DU ID Number, Name, Major GPA, Level GPA | ||
WSR2100 Student Summary | Level, College, Department, Degree Class, Total Students (Continuing, New, Transfer, Re-Entry, No-Credit), Download Detail to MS Excel | ||
WSR2007 Instructor Courses by Term | College, Department, Level, DU ID Number, Name, Course Number, Course Title | ||
WSR3342 Withdrawal/Attrition Report | Compares two terms showing students not registered | Student demographic and contact info, leave of absence, withdrawal codes, graduation status | Can be run by level, college, degree, major, or population selection |
WSR3510 Course Means and Medians | Used to report mean and median GPA by CRN, Course, and Instructor | College, CRN, Subject, Course #, Sequence #, Course Title, Enrolled Students, Graded Students, GPA Related Grades, Mean, Median, Quality Points, Credit Hours, Download to MS Excel | Can be run by term, CRN, or College |
Cognos can be accessed through My4D. After logging in, search for Data Insights. Cognos reports can be downloaded to Excel for the following:
Report | What it is | What is in it | Instructions |
Course Scheduling > DU Comprehensive Schedule | Sections by term | Section and schedule information by term for College or Subject | Search by Term, Department, College |
Course Scheduling > DU Student Roster | Roster of students by section | Student information, email, registration status | Search by Term, CRN, Subject, Registration Status |
Student General > Student Status Report | Duplicated or unduplicated headcount. | College, major, program, email, attribute | Can be run for current or frozen (WEEK3, EOT) data |
Student General > Students with Un-Entered Grades
| Students with an unentered grade.
| Includes instructor email and course information
Search by Term, College, Grade Type
Student General > Student Activity Codes in a Term | Assigned students by term and activity code. Used for student activity code maintenance. | Student information, registration status, time status, expected grad date | Can be run by activity code, category, or type. Can be run for multiple terms or for all students in a term. |
Student General > Pending-Awarded-Sought Grads (WSR2580) | Students with a sought, pending, or awarded graduation status | Student information, program, graduation status, GPA | Can be run by term, level, outcome, college, department, major, minor |
Requesting Ad Hoc Reports
Before requesting an ad hoc report, review the available published reports in the section below. For ad hoc reports or lists that cannot be pulled independently from existing reports, contact
Requests will be directed to Institutional Research if the data is intended for research or publication, or if the request requires data from multiple offices or departments.
Please allow at least 10 business days for a response. Time of year and report scope may influence turnaround times.
For questions or comments related to data access and reporting, contact